Logistic Straps
  • Brand: Logistic Straps
  • Widths: Available as per customer reuest
  • Colors: Available as per customer reuest

Logistic Straps

Our Logistic strap is a reusable and versatile strap for materials handling applications in distribution centers, warehouses, and closed-loop logistics to secure pallet boxes, sleeve packs, and collapsible containers.
It can be used for Suitcase and Luggage baggage during traveling.

Die cuts & Shapes:-
Our shapes for small boxes and stationery let you add a distinctive, re-close able feature to your products. All-in-one low-profile design and mated adhesive-backed hook and loop are easy to apply and align perfectly. A range of stock colors and shapes are available, and shapes can be customized or designed for processing through standard labeling equipment.





Packing standards:

Available upon request.